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Sustainable Oregon Toolkit
is a resource to assist communities and government agencies become more sustainable.
SustainableOregon.net communicates developments in Oregon state government and connects you with local agencies, organizations and businesses taking leadership roles in sustainable development.
2006 Executive Order - Sustainability for the 21st Century
2003 Sustainability Executive Order
2001 Sustainability Act
What's New?
Oregon Sustainability Board next convenes on
Friday, July 18, 2008
in Klamath Falls, Oregon.
In October 2007 a report commissioned by the Oregon Environmental Council called
Fueling Oregon With Sustainable Biofuels
was released detailing how Oregon is uniquely positioned to become a leader in the development of sustainable biofuels.
1st Annual Oregon Sustainability Awards
were hosted by the Oregon Sustainability Board and the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department on June 1, 2007. Be sure to check the complete
list of winners
, as well as some
general information
about the State of Oregon Sustainability Awards.
The Oregon Department of Energy's Web site now features a new
climate change portal
, which provides information about the state's efforts to meet the challenges of climate change. These efforts include reducing emissions, regulating energy facilities and setting the stage for carbon trading. Visit the new portal to learn more about what Oregon is doing to combat climate change.
Sustainable Oregon Toolkit
is a resource to assist communities and government agencies become more sustainable.
In February 2007, Governors from five states established the
Western Regional Climate Action Initiative
. This initiative will help the states of Oregon, Washington, California, Arizona, and New Mexico collaborate in identifying, evaluating and implementing ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our states collectively.
Oregon, Washington, and California will work together to improve the health of the Pacific Ocean under the
West Coast Governors' Agreement on Ocean Health
. The three governors agreed to urge the federal government to give greater support to state efforts dealing with pollution, climate change and declining fisheries. [
Read CBS News article
Burgerville, a regional fast food chain serving local foods, announced it will use
100% wind energy
. [
Read S.I. Journal article
Governor Kulongoski and Oregon U.S. Attorney Karin Immergut created a $2 million
Governor's Fund for the Environment
to fund local waterways restoration and clean up efforts in Oregon. [
Read press release
Next Sustainability Event
SolWest Renewable Energy Fair
Friday Jul 25 - Sunday Jul 27, 2008
Fri - Sun 9:00
AM - 7:00 PM
Grant County Fairgrounds, John Day OR
Jennifer Barker - 541-575-3633